Monday, 18 April 2016




Following is the gist of an important speech delivered by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf Rahmatullahi-Alaih (RUA) on 30th March 1965, three days before his death, after Fajr Salat at Raewind. It was the last important speech of his life. Maulana Abdul Aziz RUA (Khulna, Bangladesh) procured this speech to Maulana Mohammad Manzoor Nomani RUA, editor Al-Furqaan. The complete speech is inscribed on twenty six pages. The editor Al-Furqan summarized it, keeping in view that no important portion is left out, and published it in Hazratji Number of his journal in 1965.

After Hamd-o-Salat, Maulana Yusuf RUA started his speech, in a manner quit unusual for him, with the following words: "Look here, I am not feeling well, could not sleep all through the night. Inspite of this, considering it important, I am speaking. Whosoever understands it and acts upon it, Allah will make him shine, otherwise he would axe his own foot. This Ummah came into existence after lot of struggle. To make it an Ummah, The Rasool SallAllahu-Alaihi-Wasallam (SAW) and his companions Radhi-Allahu-Anhum (RAA) have undergone great hardships. While their enemies, Yahood and Nasara, always tried that the Muslims may not remain an Ummah, rather be splitted into factions. Now the Muslims have lost their 'Ummat-hood'.

➡ Next part Insha Allah soon


As long as they were one Ummah, a few hundred thousand of them fell heavy upon the whole world. There was not even a single cemented house. Even the masjid was not cemented. No lamp was lit in the masjid of Rasool SAW. The first lamp was lit in the masjid of Rasool SAW in the ninth year of Hijrah. The first man to light up a lamp in the masjid of the Rasool SAW was Tameem Dari RAA, who embraced Islam in the ninth year of Hijrah. But by that time almost the whole Arab had entered into the fold of Islam. Different nations, different languages and different clans had become an Ummah. When all this had happened then only the first lamp was lit in the masjid of the Rasool SAW. The light of hidayah which the Rasool SAW bought with him had spread all over the Arab and even beyond it and the Ummah had come into existence. This Ummah then rose in the world and in whatever direction it proceeded, countries after countries fell at their feet. This Ummah was formed such that not a single person in it was siding with his family, his community, his party, his nation, his country or his language, No one gave weightage to his wealth, property, wife and children, rather every one was concerned about the sayings of Allah and His Rasool SAW. An Ummah comes into existence only when all the relations and acquaintances are curtailed in case they come in the way of compliance to the orders of Allah and His Rasool SAW. When the Muslims were an Ummah, the whole Ummah was shaken if a single Muslim was killed anywhere. Now thousands and thousands are massacred but no heed is paid.

➡ Next part Insha Allah soon...

Gist of an important Speech delivered by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf (RUA).



'Ummah' is not the name given to a nation or inhabitants of a specific region. Unification of hundreds and thousands of nations and regions forms the Ummah. Anyone who owns only a particular nation or region and disowns others, slaughters the Ummah, tears it into pieces and nullifies the efforts of the Rasool SAW and his companions RAA. First we splitted and thus slaughtered the Ummah, then only the Yahood and Nasara butchered into pieces the already slaughtered Ummah. If the Muslims once again become an Ummah, all the powers of the world, joined together, will not be able to cause the slightest harm to them. Atom bombs and rockets will fail to eliminate them. However, if due to national and regional feelings, the Muslims continue splitting the Ummah into pieces, then by Allah, your weapons and armies shall not be able to save you.

The Muslims are being beaten up all over the world and loosing their lives since by loosing 'Ummat-hood' they have nullified the sacrifices of the Rasool SAW. I am expressing the feelings of an aggrieved heart. The disaster is there because the Ummah no more remained an Ummah. The very concept of an Ummah has gone into oblivion and so is the process through which the Rasool SAW formed it.

➡ Next part Insha Allah soon...

Gist of an important Speech delivered by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf (RUA).



To become an Ummah and for gaining the favour from Allah, the existence of Salat, Zikr, madrasah and education in madrasah is not enough. The killer of Ali RAA, Ibne Muljam, was such a staunch doer of Salat and remembrance of Allah that when the enraged mob, attempting to kill him, tried to slash his tongue he requested to be spared of it so that he could continue hymning the name of Allah till his last breath. Inspite of this, the Rasool SAW had said that the killer of Ali (RAA) would be the most wretched and unfortunate person. Abul Fazl and Faizi obtained the education in madrasah and were so learned that they wrote a commentary of the Qur'an without any letter with a dot. But they were the persons who misguided Akbar and ruined deen. How can the qualities, possessed by Ibne Muljam, Abul Fazl and Faizi, suffice for the formation of Ummah and draw the divine help of Allah?

Shah Ismail Shaheed RUA, Syed Ahmad Shaheed RUA and their companions belonged to the best lot from the point of view of deen. When they reached the frontier areas, people there, accepted them as their elders. But then, the Satan deluded some of the local Muslims not to follow them as they were outsiders and they provoked others for treason. Consequently, their numerous companions were killed. The Muslims themselves shattered the 'Ummat-hood' on the basis of regionalism. As a punishment, Allah imposed the British rule upon them. That was a wrath of Allah.

Note :

▶ Abul Fazl and Faizi were two confident courtiers of the Mughal Emperor, Akbar, who ruled India and floated a new religion Deen-e-llahi.

▶ Moulana Shah Ismail Shaheed RUA (b1193H) was a renowned scholar from the famous family of Shah WAliullah RUA in Delhi. He crusaded for elimination of bidah and revival of the spirit of Islam in northern India. Later on he joined the movement of jihad under the banner of Syed Ahmad Shaheed RUA (b1201H) from Rae Bareilly against the tyrant un-islamic rule in India. They raised an army of Muslims and gathered in the northern frontier area of Indian subcontinent, inhabited by the Muslims famous for their martial characteristics, with an intention to seek their participation and then attack the un-islamic government. At the end, after a battle at Balakot, the Muslims lost due to treason of some frontier chieftains. Both Maulana Ismail RUA and Syed Ahmad RUA along with a large number of their army personnel were martyred.

➡ Next part Insha Allah soon...

Gist of an important Speech delivered by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf (RUA).


Behold, 'my nation', 'my region' and 'my community' are the feelings responsible for the segregation of the Ummah. Allah dislikes this so much that when an esteemed Sahabi, Saad Bin Ubadah RAA, committed a mistake, which if unchecked could have separated the Ansar and Muhajreen, he had to face the consequences. It is quoted that he was killed by jins and a disembodied voice was heard in Madinah (Translation):

"We have killed the chief of Khazraj, Saad Ibne Ubadah. We made him target of an arrow which pierced right through his heart."

This incident set a precedent and taught a lesson that even if a person out of the best ones breaks the 'Ummat-hood', Allah will not spare him.

Ummah will be formed when all classes in the Ummah, without discrimination, take up the work which Rasoolullah SAW has entrusted. And remember the evils of dealing and lifestyle are the things, which spoil the 'Ummat-hood'. When an individual or a class perpetrates injustice and atrocities upon others and denies their full rights or puts them in trouble or humiliates and degrades them, then the division takes place and the 'Ummat-hood' is lost. That is why I say that the Ummah will not be formed merely by Kalimah and tasbeeh. It will be built by a reform in dealings and lifestyles and by paying the rights and respecting all. Rather it will be formed when one's own rights and interest are sacrificed for the sake of others. The Rasool SAW, Abu Bakr RAA and Umar RAA formed this Ummah by sacrificing every thing they had and by undergoing hardships. In the days of Umar RAA, once came a huge amount, of the order of millions and billions. Consultations were made for its distribution. At that time, the Ummah was intact. The persons participating in the consultations did not belong merely to a particular clan or class, rather to different clans and classes and were considered distinguished because of their companionship with the Rasool SAW. After mutual consultation, they proposed that the distribution should be such that the share given to the people of the Rasool SAW'S clan may be the largest, then to the people of Abu Bakr RAA's clan, then to those from Umar RAA's clan. As such the relatives of Umar RAA stood third in preference. When this suggestion was placed before Umar RAA he did not accept it and said that whatever the Ummah got in the past and was getting at that time, it was because of the Rasool SAW. Therefore, the closeness in relationship with the Rasool SAW should be the sole criterion. Closer one was in family-lineage with the Rasool SAW more he should get. In this way Bani Hashim were to be given the largest share, then Bani Abd Manaf then the descendents of Qusai, then of Kilab, then of Kaab, then of Murrah. As such the clan of Umar RAA fell much behind and it's share drastically reduced. But Umar RAA adhered to the decision leaving his clan far behind in receiving the share of the wealth. This is how this Ummah was formed.

➡ Next part Insha Allah soon...

Gist of an important Speech delivered by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf (RUA).                                                                                                     

Daily Deeni Islamic Messages (DDIM) Whatsapp Group





In order to form the Ummah, it is essential that everyone's efforts should be directed towards unity and avoidance of division. It is narrated in a Hadith of the Rasool SAW that on the day of reckoning a man would be brought who had performed Salat, Saum, Haj and Tableegh every thing in the world. But he would be subjected to chastisement because some of his utterances had created division in the Ummah. He would be told that first he should undergo the punishment for his word which harmed the Ummah. On the other hand, there would be another person who would have dearth of Salat, Saum and Haj etc. in his account and would be scared of Allah's wrath. But he would be bestowed upon with enormous rewards. He himself would enquire which of the deeds was fetching him the favours. He would be told that on certain occasion he uttered something, which prevented a possible destruction in the Ummah and caused integration and averted disintegration. All that was being given as the reward for the word uttered by him.

     In the formation and deformation, integration and disintegration of the Ummah, the greatest role is played by the tongue. It unites the hearts as well as tears them away. A wrong utterance instigates a quarrel and complete disruption, while another utterance becomes a source of unity and joins the disrupted hearts. Therefore, the most important requirement is to have a control on tongues. This is possible when the slaves of Allah have a persistent consideration that Allah is present with them at every time and every place and listening to all their utterances.

➡ Next part Insha Allah soon...

Gist of an important Speech delivered by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf (RUA).

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�� Part-7 ��

�� There were two clans amongst the Ansar, viz. Aus and Khazraj. An age old enmity and quarrel existed between them. When the Rasool SAW migrated to Madinah and the Ansar entered into the folds of Islam, then by virtue of the Rasool SAW and Islam, their age-old quarrel turned into mutual love and affection. Seeing this, the Jews conspired to make them once again hostile against each other. In a gathering where persons from both the clans were present, a conspirator arrived and started reciting provocative verses related to their old enmities. First a hot exchange of words took place between them and then the swords were drawn out. Someone informed the Rasool SAW. He rushed to the place and said, 'Do you intend to start a bloodshed amongst yourselves while I am present with you?'. He gave a very brief but touching sermon. Both the parties realized that they were instigated by the Satan. They cried and embraced each other and the following verses of the Quran were revealed (Translation):

"0 ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in the state of Islam". (S-3, A-102).

0 Muslims! Fear Allah as He should be feared and remain a perfect Muslim and obedient slave of Allah till your last breath. When someone remembers Allah at every moment and is afraid of His anger and punishment and always obedient to Him, then the Satan would not be able to mislead him and the Ummah will be saved from division and evils.

"Allah Says (Translation): And hold fast altogether, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His grace ye became brethren and ye were on the brink of the pit of the fire and He saved you from it. (S-3, A-103).

Hold Allah's rope i.e. His sacred book and His deen with full collectiveness and with the quality of 'Ummat-hood'. Be firm on this and do not split on the basis of nations, regions, languages or any other account and do not forget the kindness of Allah that He brought to an end the enmity in your hearts which persisted since ages and created love in your hearts and made you brothers. And while fighting amongst yourselves you were standing on the brink of hell and were about to fall into it when Allah held you back and saved from the hell. The Satan is with you and the remedy is that a group amongst you may be there whose sole purpose should be to invite people towards good deeds and stop them all evils and destruction.

➡ Next part Insha Allah soon...

�� Gist of an important Speech delivered by Maulana Mohammad Yusuf (RUA).

�� For previous parts of this message,

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